Monday, January 2, 2012

Rick Santorum: Racist Rant

Rick Santorum has just showed who he is or either said some silliness to pander to the base of  Republicans who like this psycho talk. Rick Santorum went as far to say that he did not want to help Black people by giving them other peoples money. He was referring to welfare and food stamps hinting that there are more Blacks on food stamps when actually that is not true. According to USDA.Gov there are 34% Whites on food stamps. On the contrary there are only 22% of Blacks receiving food stamps and 17% Hispanic. So Who is he really hurting when he say this? The fact is that his perception did not have to be guessed because he stated "Black People" clearly in his racist rant. We cannot afford to have this country run by people who are clearly stating their agenda of hate. In the United States of America we expect a President who want to not only represent the entire spectrum of the population but also uphold the morals and values of helping those who cannot help themselves. This is simply one of the functions of government. This candidate is going against the very moral fiber of this country and its constitution.

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